Build a Career with Pupuk Indonesia

Pupuk Indonesia believes that progress and work processes with sustainable principles will result in sustainability far into the future. We want to contribute to form a more resilient generation, which adheres to the same principles and work culture, namely AKHLAK. The core value of AKHLAK will strengthen the synergy in driving the transformation of Pupuk Indonesia, so that the generation we foster will lead the sustainability of fertilizer innovation in the country for a greater Indonesia.

Be part of the innovation that grows our business, and helps maintain a better life for people by preserving the environment and our planet.

We grow together

Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN

Temukan ribuan lowongan pekerjaan di lebih dari 50 BUMN untuk Putra Putri Terbaik Bangsa melalui Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN 2022. Mari memberikan yang terbaik untuk negeri.

Raih karir impianmu sambil belajar, bertumbuh, dan berkontribusi untuk Indonesia!

Informasi Selengkapnya

Alur Rekrutmen Bersama BUMN

  • Tahap 1

    - Registrasi Online dan Seleksi Administrasi — 14 April - 25 April 2022
    - Pengumuman Tahap 1: Registrasi Online dan Seleksi Administrasi — 9 Mei - 11 Mei 2022

  • Tahap 2: TKD dan Core Values BUMN

  • - Registrasi Online dan Seleksi Administrasi — 14 April - 25 April 2022
    - Pengumuman Tahap 1: Registrasi Online dan Seleksi Administrasi — 9 Mei - 11 Mei 2022

    - Pelaksanaan Tes Kemampuan Dasar (TKD) dan Core Values BUMN — 19 Mei - 24 Mei 2022
    - Pengumuman Tahap 2: TKD dan Core Values BUMN — 9 Juni - 10 Juni 2022

  • Tahap 3: TKB, Wawancara dan MCU

    - Pelaksanaan Tes Kemampuan Bidang (TKB), Wawancara dan MCU yang dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan masing-masing BUMN — 12 Juni - 25 Juni 2022 *
    - Pengumuman Final Calon Pegawai BUMN — 4 Juli 2022

  • Bela Negara

    11 Juli 2022 *

  • Inagurasi

    18 Juli 2022 *

*Jadwal dapat berubah berdasarkan keputusan Panitia Rekrutmen dan Seleksi, dalam hal ini Forum Human Capital Indonesia (FHCI).

Life at Pupuk Indonesia

Human Resources with Global Content

Our focus on society by creating a Community with better life transformation. Pupuk Indonesia Group realizes that the success of an organization lies in all the people who work in it. Pupuk Indonesia Group focuses more on building the character of its people by implementing a culture of AKHLAK (Trustworthy, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive and Collaborative), as well as ensuring a culture of meritocracy and performance which are the key parameters for the success of an organization. On the other hand, Pupuk Indonesia Group also continues to carry out the responsibility as a state-owned enterprise to provide value creation both economically and socially. Therefore, social assistance programs as well as Social and Environmental Responsibility programs continue to be put forward to have a positive impact on the people of Indonesia.

Pupuk Indonesia's Initiatives

Pupuk Indonesia is currently implementing an agile organization, where our organization is now faster in responding to changes in the market or the environment. Agile organization of Pupuk Indonesia is currently focused on the needs of its customers who require tailored offerings to create human resources capabilities and a performance based culture.

waspada loker palsu

Recruitment Policy Standard

As an effort by the management of Pupuk Indonesia to produce high performance and productivity, Pupuk Indonesia carries out a series of HR recruitment processes. Starting from the planning, recruitment, education and training process to giving rewards in order to increase the morale of Pupuk Indonesia's HR. The recruitment process is carried out openly for the purpose of equity and transparency.
Implementation of the Human Capital Management System (HCMS) in all Subsidiaries including Organization Development, HR Planning, Knowledge Management, Competency & Performance-based Remuneration, Talent Management & Career Path, Integration of the Holding Group HR system and preparation for the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in HR has become the focus and ongoing stages in achieving quality human resources in accordance with the Company's business needs in order to have the best competence within the management of Pupuk Indonesia.
Pupuk Indonesia has designed and established a standard Passing Grade policy for employee recruitment throughout the Holding Group, so that there are employees who have sufficient competence to support the performance of Pupuk Indonesia. Competency improvement is carried out through study assignments programs at home and abroad as well as the implementation of in-house and outplant training that is aligned with the talent pools program so that potential cadres are available as future leaders of the Company.

Career FAQs

For information related to vacancies / recruitment of Pupuk Indonesia can be obtained on our official website, Please be careful and be aware of fake recruitment made by irresponsible persons/parties and on behalf of Pupuk Indonesia. Pupuk Indonesia never asks for or collects any fees from candidates related to the recruitment process or selection stages.
Currently, the recruitment of Pupuk Indonesia employees is carried out through the Joint Recruitment process for SOEs. More details can be accessed at