Pupuk Indonesia Niaga Shares Happiness Through PIKA PIN

Eid al-Fitr is a moment to celebrate victory after fasting for a whole month and is the right time to increase social awareness and blessings through providing aid.
In collaboration with the Pupuk Indonesia Niaga Employee Wives Association (PIKA-PIN), PI Niaga carries out social service activities whose target is outsourcing.
Represented by the daily management of PIKA-PIN and Public Relations of PI Niaga, assistance in the form of basic necessities and food was handed over directly to the energy experts on March 28 2024.
"The distribution of basic necessities and food is a routine activity that is carried out by PIKA-PIN every year. "This is a form of PIKA-PIN's commitment to supporting the company's social activities to help the community in the moments leading up to Eid al-Fitr," said Lina Hilman Taufik, General Chair of PIKA-PIN.
"We would like to thank all parties who have supported and helped smooth the distribution of aid to outsourced workers. "We hope that this assistance can ease the burden on the community in welcoming Eid al-Fitr 1445 H," concluded Lina.
Apart from being intended for outsourced personnel, PI Niaga also provides assistance to security personnel in the head office environment.
Apart from that, PI Niaga has distributed aid to two orphanages, namely Pondok Yatim & Dhuafa (Penadegan), Daarul Rahman Orphanage Foundation (Pasar Minggu) and Rumah Quran Ash-Shalihin (Kalibata) – Jakarta.
"The aid in the form of basic necessities, mainly rice and cash, was distributed to two orphanages and one Qur'an house with a total of close to one hundred beneficiaries," said PI Niaga Main Director Hilman Taufik.
He revealed that this activity was a form of the company's concern in helping the community meet their daily needs during the fasting month and ahead of Eid al-Fitr.
"We hope that PI Niaga's Ramadhan activities will continue to be carried out every year, so that the public can feel PI Niaga's presence. "Hopefully PI Niaga continues to develop and can provide more benefits to the environmental community and other stakeholders," said Hilman.