Pupuk Indonesia Niaga Expands Clay Business
PT Pupuk Indonesia Niaga, a member of the PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) group, is continuously developing its business diversification.
PI Niaga's Director of Commercial & Operations, Trudo Nainggolan, said that one of the Company's strategies is to develop business diversification that can support and provide added value for the Company.
One of the non-fertilizer product diversification business developments is clay products. Clay is one of the important raw materials in making NPK fertilizer. This material functions as an adhesive between the elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium which make up NPK fertilizer. Meanwhile, the clay raw materials traded by PI Niaga are sourced from domestic companies in the South Sumatra and East Java regions.
"PI Niaga started exploring the clay business in 2022 by participating in the procurement tender at the PI Group which produces NPK. iaga has succeeded in supplying clay to Pusri Palembang in 2023, in 2024 PI Niaga has won the tender again at Pusri Palembang for 3,960 tons, and 3,150 tons at Petrokimia Gresik which will start delivery in February," said Trudo.
"We are optimistic that the clay business will increase in the future by taking advantage of the opportunities that exist in fertilizer producers. Apart from contributing income to the Company, the procurement of clay products is also a form of synergy between PI Group members in supporting national food security," added Trudo, ending the conversation.