Subsidized Fertilizer Available: Pupuk Indonesia and Vice President Gibran Encourage Farmers to Redeem Subsidized Fertilizers at the Rembuk Tani Event

Kabupaten Semarang, November 22, 2024 – To welcome the planting season, PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) invited registered farmers in Central Java to promptly redeem subsidized fertilizers according to their allocated quotas during the "Rembuk Tani" event held in Kabupaten Semarang, Central Java, on Friday (11/22/2024). This initiative, aimed at ensuring broader and more affordable access to subsidized fertilizers, was attended by Vice President of Indonesia, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.
Gusrizal, Deputy President Director of Pupuk Indonesia, explained that Rembuk Tani is an initiative to facilitate farmers in expediting the redemption of subsidized fertilizers. The program is expected to help farmers achieve optimal harvests at efficient costs.
“We want to ensure that farmers' fertilizer needs are met, particularly in terms of availability and stock. We hope the support from Pupuk Indonesia, together with the Vice President, will boost the spirit and optimism of farmers as they face this planting season,” said Gusrizal.
He further revealed that the government has increased the volume of subsidized fertilizers this year from the initial allocation of 4.7 million tons to 9.55 million tons, with additional volumes allocated for Central Java. Therefore, registered farmers in the region are encouraged to redeem their fertilizers before the end of the year.
As of November 20, 2024, national subsidized fertilizer absorption has reached 6,437,703 tons, or about 67.4% of the updated allocation provided by the government. Through Rembuk Tani, held across various regions, Pupuk Indonesia continues to encourage farmers to redeem their allocations promptly.
“With the rainy season now upon us, we are optimistic that farmers' absorption of subsidized fertilizers will be optimal,” Gusrizal added.
To facilitate the smooth redemption of subsidized fertilizers, Pupuk Indonesia has prepared sufficient national stocks, exceeding the government-mandated minimum. The company has allocated 1,106,035 tons of subsidized fertilizer, consisting of 638,024 tons of urea and 468,011 tons of NPK.
“In terms of stock, we have more than enough—130% of the government’s minimum requirement. Additionally, the redemption process at official kiosks has become much faster and easier. Registered farmers only need to bring their National Identity Card (KTP) as their primary form of identification when redeeming fertilizers at authorized kiosks,” Gusrizal explained.
The Rembuk Tani event also featured a discussion session involving Pupuk Indonesia, local agricultural agencies, and farmers. These discussions provided farmers with information on accessing and distributing fertilizers, practical tips for effective fertilizer use to achieve optimal harvests, and guidance on becoming registered recipients of subsidized fertilizers through the e-RDKK (Electronic Definitive Group Needs Plan).
This two-way interaction aimed to strengthen communication between Pupuk Indonesia and the farming community while fostering sustainable collaboration to achieve national food self-sufficiency.
“Rembuk Tani is a critical program that aligns farmers, the government, and key stakeholders in the agricultural sector. It reflects Pupuk Indonesia’s commitment to connecting with farmers, listening to their concerns, and working together to find solutions for the challenges faced by agriculture in Indonesia,” concluded Gusrizal.
Today’s Rembuk Tani in Semarang was attended by approximately 5,310 farmers from Demak, Semarang, Salatiga, Kendal, Karanganyar, Sukoharjo, Wonogiri, and Klaten. During the event, Pupuk Indonesia donated 10 tons of non-subsidized fertilizer to 10 farmer groups.
Rembuk Tani has been conducted across 77 subdistricts in North Sumatra, South Sumatra, Lampung, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali, South Sulawesi, and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), engaging around 17,000 farmers from nine provinces. Between November and December, the program has reached nine of the 11 scheduled locations in Central Java, involving 5,325 farmers from Brebes, Magelang, Tegal, Karanganyar, Klaten, Grobogan, Sukoharjo, Boyolali, and Wonogiri. The remaining sessions are set to take place in Sragen on November 22 and Temanggung on December 2, 2024.