Pupuk Indonesia: As of January 3, 2025, 27,092 Farmers Have Redeemed Subsidized Fertilizer

Jakarta, January 4, 2025 – PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) has reported that approximately 27,092 farmer transactions have successfully redeemed subsidized fertilizer since the start of the year, up to January 3, 2025. This achievement reflects the company's commitment to carrying out the government's mandate in supporting national food self-sufficiency.
Tri Wahyudi Saleh, Director of Marketing at Pupuk Indonesia, stated that the subsidized fertilizer redemption process at the start of this year is part of the government's effort to simplify the redemption scheme and ensure better planned allocation.
“As promised by the government, starting January 1, 2025, Pupuk Indonesia was ready to distribute subsidized fertilizers, and indeed, at 00:00 on New Year's Eve, a farmer from Sukadana, East Lampung made a redemption, followed by one from Serdang Bedagai. In total, 10 farmers made transactions on New Year’s Eve. Alhamdulillah, farmers were able to redeem subsidized fertilizer on January 1, 2025,” Tri Wahyudi said.
Pupuk Indonesia reported a total of 27,092 fertilizer redemption transactions by January 3, 2025, amounting to 7,536 tons of fertilizer. The breakdown includes 4,532 tons of urea, 2,966 tons of NPK, 16.7 tons of special formula NPK, and 20.8 tons of organic fertilizer.
According to the Indonesian Minister of Agriculture Decree No. 644/KPTS/SR.310/M.11/2024, the government has allocated 9.5 million tons of subsidized fertilizer. This allocation includes 4.6 million tons of urea, 4.2 million tons of NPK, 147,798 tons of cocoa NPK, and 500,000 tons of organic fertilizer.
Tri Wahyudi emphasized that the subsidized fertilizer distribution is intended for farmers registered in the Definitive Plan for Group Needs (RDKK) within the subsectors of food crops (rice, corn, soybeans), horticulture (chili, shallots, garlic), and plantations (smallholder sugarcane, cocoa, coffee). Another requirement for farmers to receive the subsidy is having a land area of no more than 2 hectares, including those enrolled in Forest Village Community Institutions (LMDH) or Social Forestry.
“We welcome the redemption activities at the beginning of 2025, as we hope this will contribute to achieving national food self-sufficiency,” he added.
The subsidized fertilizer redemption process, which began in early 2025, has been positively received by registered farmers in several locations. For instance, Wiyono, a farmer from Central Java, expressed his satisfaction with being able to redeem fertilizer early in the season.
“Thank you to the government and Pupuk Indonesia for always ensuring fertilizer availability. Today, I, Wiyono from Prambanan, was able to redeem subsidized fertilizer with my ID card on Wednesday, January 1, 2025,” said Wiyono.
Similarly, Ridwan, a farmer from Pinrang, South Sulawesi, shared his positive experience, noting that fertilizer was available and the redemption process was easy through i-Pubers. "As of January 1, 2025, I was able to redeem subsidized fertilizer at UD Daun Buah’s kiosk, just using my ID card, with no issues at all,” he said.
National Fertilizer Stock Available
Pupuk Indonesia reported that the national fertilizer stock at the start of 2025 totaled 1,558,558 tons. This consists of 1,147,453 tons of subsidized fertilizer and 411,105 tons of non-subsidized fertilizer. The subsidized fertilizer stock includes 572,700 tons of urea, 510,125 tons of NPK, 17,306 tons of special formula NPK, and 47,322 tons of organic fertilizer. The non-subsidized fertilizer stock includes 349,974 tons of urea and 61,131 tons of NPK.
With these stocks available, exceeding the government’s minimum stock requirements, Pupuk Indonesia is confident it can meet the needs of registered farmers for the early planting season in 2025.
“We urge all farmers registered in the RDKK to redeem fertilizer soon to meet their planting needs for the beginning of the 2025 season. The redemption process is now easy—just bring your ID card, and you can complete the redemption through i-Pubers,” Tri Wahyudi concluded.