PI Group Wins Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating 2022 Award

JAKARTA (24/11) - Pupuk Indonesia Group won the 2022 Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASRRAT) award held by the National Center for Sustainability Reporting (NCSR). This year, NCSR gave awards to PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) and its subsidiaries, namely PT Petrokimia Gresik and PT Pupuk Kaltim.
Pupuk Indonesia Director of Finance and Investment, Wono Budi Tjahyono said that the ASRRAT 2022 award illustrates Pupuk Indonesia's commitment to implementing transparent reporting standards in sustainable business practices.
"Pupuk Indonesia and its subsidiaries always prioritize the principles of sustainability in running the company's business. We have implemented the principles of sustainable development goals or SDGs in operational activities. For example, in terms of good environmental management, implementing energy-saving technologies and environmentally friendly, running community economic empowerment programs, contributing to improving people's living standards, etc. We also apply the principle of equality in human resource management, including gender equality and other workers' rights," said Wono.
He explained that a sustainable business process is the responsibility of all Pupuk Indonesia personnel even though the job description is held by the Director of Production relating to factory operations, the environment and work safety.
However, Wono said that this award is expected to be a motivation for companies to be more transparent and have an impact economically and socially.
"As the Board of Directors of Pupuk Indonesia, we are grateful to all employees because thanks to the hard work of all PI people this award was achieved. In particular also to the Sustainability Report team who have compiled a good report," said Wono.
It can be noted that the ASRRAT 2022 Pupuk Indonesia award was received directly by Wono Budi Tjahyono, while for Petrokimia Gresik received by Dwi Satryo Annurogo as Main Director, and the award for Pupuk Kalimantan was received by Meizar Effendi as SEVP Business Support.